The Ram-Raj show – Episode #1

Ram Karan, a senior journalist, colleague and friend, surprised me last week when he said with deep conviction that he believed India would rise higher in the sporting echelons in the coming decade. To be honest, it was not his conclusion that startled me but the conviction with which he made his point that was the reason for the surprise.

While he held top jobs with several newspapers in Hyderabad and Chennai, he has not taken his eye off Indian sport. I have always enjoyed conversations with Ram Karan and I am glad he agreed to share his thoughts in this podcast. We are convinced that we will end up doing more such chats. 

Do listen in to the first of what I have called The Ram-Raj Show until we find a better name.

One thought on “The Ram-Raj show – Episode #1

  1. its heartening and informative to see a website cover more sports than just cricket or their dalliances.
    I am waiting to see and hear your interviews that will keep us glued. Given the gift of gab you possess the conversation will be enchanting for the viewers.

    wishing you the best!

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